Wickstead Farm Equestrian Centre

Venue: Wickstead Farm Equestrian Centre

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Address: Wickstead Farm, Highworth, Swindon, SN6 7PP
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Venue Detail

Wickstead Farm Equestrian Centre is a BHS Approved Livery and Facilities Centre and listed in the BHS Where To Train.  We are an Approved Pony Club Centre and also a Registered Riding for the Disabled Group.  The establishment holds a full Council Licence is compliance of Section 1 of the Riding Establishments Act.

Wickstead Farm offers a full range of livery, schooling and competition facilities including indoor school, fully lit outdoor manege, horse walker, cross country course and spa.  Based on a large National Trust Estate, between Highworth and Coleshill on the Wiltshire / Oxfordshire border, our clients enjoy off road riding and river crossings through beautiful Wiltshire countryside.

Cross Country Course
Wickstead has its own Professionally built Cross Country, with a range of jumps up to 3’3″ including two water complexes. We also have a new little minimus course with jumps 1′ – 1’9 . It is available for use for Competitions and Schooling.

If you would like to book the course for schooling it is £20 per horse please phone to let us know when you would like to come on 01793 762265 or send an email to vicki@wicksteradfarm.com

Venue Location

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