Wick Bottom Barn

Venue: Wick Bottom Barn

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Address: Temple Farm , Rockley, SN8 1RU

Venue Detail

Wick Bottom Barn is a well kept secret, a little gem of a venue tucked away in the rolling Wiltshire countryside.

Getting there…

From  junction 16, signposted Swindon West/Wootton Bassett/Calne/RAF Lyneham

– At the round-about take the 3rd exit onto the B4005/Hay Lane, signposted Wroughton

– Follow this for approx. 3.5 miles. At the cross roads turn right onto A4361, sign posted Devizes.

– Go past the Barbury Inn on your left.

– After approx. 0.5 miles, take left turn at the cross roads, signposted Hackpen Hill (Brown sign) and Rockley. (Broad Hinton directed to the right)

– From the top of the hill, after a further 1.5 miles take a right turn, opposite the entrance to Barbary Castle Estate, onto single track road. There are no signs to the barn at this point.

– Do not be put off by the red ring circular road sign indicating no motor vehicles, there is also a WCC Footpath sign on the same post.

– Carry on this road over the hill for 0.5 miles, then turn sharp right and park on the left, the barn is 100 yds ahead.

Venue Location

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