Sparsholt College

Venue: Sparsholt College

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Address: Sparsholt, Winchester, SO21 2NF
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Venue Detail

The Equine Centre provides a professional teaching environment for all courses at all levels of study. The facilities include: Stabling for up to 75 horses; a 60m x 23m indoor arena; three outdoor arenas (70m x 50m with Olympic-standard surface; 60m x 30m; 60m x 30m); covered horse walker; grass rides; cross country schooling fences; weigh bridge.

The Equine Centre is a British Horse Society (BHS) approved examination centre endorsed by the ‘Where to Train’ guide. Horses are carefully selected by either purchase or loan to provide students with the opportunity to develop a range of riding skills and provide a diverse research population for projects and dissertations.

The facilities include:

  • Stabling for up to 75 horses
  • A 60m x 23m indoor arena
  • Three outdoor arenas (70m x 50m with Olympic-standard surface; 60m x 30m; 60m x 30m)
  • Covered horse walker
  • Grass rides
  • Cross country schooling fences
  • Weigh bridge
  • Full size equine skeleton
  • Heart rate monitors
  • ETB Pegasus Limb Phasing Analysis System
  • High speed camera

Venue Location

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