RDA Indoor Arena

Venue: RDA Indoor Arena

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Address: RDA Indoor Arena, Cheltenham Racecourse, , Cheltenham, GL50 4SH
Phone: 01242 584420

Venue Detail

Here at Cotswold Riding for the Disabled our purpose is to promote a culture of learning, development, achievement and enjoyment for our riders that allows each and every one to reach their full potential.

With over 225 riders each week, supported by 160 volunteers, we want to ensure that Cotswold RDA is “where aspirations become a reality” for everyone.  All our riders are physically disabled or have learning difficulties/special needs, if we can encourage a child or an adult  to communicate and help them make sense of the world; to say “walk on” for the first time; spend 30 minutes in the saddle or even to hold their reins then we know we are making a difference.

Since our very first ride some 50 years ago, we have come a long way.  We are now planning for the next 50 years to guarantee our riders have the best experience we can provide for them.