Oakingham Stud

Venue: Oakingham Stud

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Address: Oakingham Stud, Uplands Stables , Downs Road, Compton, Newbury , RG20 6RE
Phone: 07584094123

Venue Detail

Oakingham Stud is becoming established as one of the most exciting names in the horse business. Originally founded by the Ray family in Aberdeen, Oakingham moved to its current home, an ex-racing yard on the Berkshire Downs, in 2011 where the business is growing in size and reputation.

The driving force behind Oakingham’s success was the Ray family passion to create an environment where they could produce the very best performing horses in the show-jumping business. The Stud has enjoyed success at the highest levels, with horses competing and placing at the most prestigious events worldwide. Key achievements are:

  • Our 5 year old stallion, Care For, accumulated the most points out of all the other 5 year olds in the Magna Racino Spring Tour
  • Faltic HB has been recognised for his pure, raw talent and was fully approved as a 4 year old because of his exceptional breeding, particularly on the mother line
  • In 2013, we had 2 horses, Tulip de Baudiere and Sweet Cinnamon jumping at the Horse of the Year Show in the Newcomer class

Oakingham is a true family business employing over 12 members of staff and with 4 competitive riders. Our horses compete at the top of the sport. Each horse that joins the stud, and each person that joins the team, becomes a valued member of our unique family concern.

Now home to over 40 brood mares and 7 licensed and approved stallions, plus over 40 foals (increasing all the time!), Oakingham Stud provides exclusive unrivalled facilities for our horses – we do not let them out to anyone else. We offer both indoor and outdoor training on the gallops over the beautiful Berkshire Downs, ensuring horses remain at optimum fitness levels and are constantly stimulated by the ever-changing living environment. Oakingham Stud horses are happy, healthy and high performers.