Danesmoor Eventing

Venue: Danesmoor Eventing

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Address: Danesmoor Eventing, Wardington Gate Farm , Edgcote , OX17 1AG

Venue Detail

​Sarah Gairdner (nee Millard) is an Advanced International event rider who, along with her team, runs Danesmoor Eventing. Her passion for horses has steered her whole life, and she encourages her team to work sympathetically towards maximizing each horse’s natural ability.

Sarah is both a BE & BHS accredited coach and has recently become a Cente10 accredited coach. She runs regular clinics both mounted, unmounted & evening talks with Guest speakers. Sarah is also now available to have short or long term bespoke residential training. 

Danesmoor Eventing’s name came about from The Battle of Danes Moor in 914 between the Saxons and the Danes, North-East of Banbury, taking place on the earth where Sarah’s yard is now built.

​Sarah is always looking to take on more rides at all levels, so if you are looking to place your own horse in a competition yard or would like to ‘buy in’ to the excitement and rewards of owning an event horse, there are many options available at Danesmoor Eventing.

Tap into the experience and ethos of the team with training and livery. Sarah has many loyal pupils who she regularly works with and is always happy to take on new clients and will work in all disciplines, from grassroots upwards.